I borrowed a book from a friend, it had some great lighting tutorials in it, so I tried them out, and this was the result. I think its the closest to success I've ever got with line-less art work. So I sent this to a friend to show him and below is what happened. *scroll down please*
In 3D we are working on texturing. I made the mushrooms. Which lead me to a tree, I redid it to this, and threw my concept world in behind. An instructor once asked me about the vegetation in this world. At first I didn't think there should be any until I saw the tree from sleepy hallow. I'm thinking this tree will be the beacon of the dead. They hang lanterns on it to remember the ones close to them that have fallen. Maybe a little bit of spooky mystery will happen in regards to the lanterns.. and then maybe not. Its still an idea in progress.
This is the final for the logo, I had to change it from what it last was. I didn't notice it, nor did my instructor until someone pointed out how phallic my logo looks :( bad day.. xDD lol which was not a house. Anyway, the roof looks more.. roof now xD